7th Sep 2022

​Caring For Your Ink Cartridge?

Printers are still an integral part of our daily office life. In fact, there are many people who also use it at home. It is a good investment and also an expensive one depending on the type of printer you purchase. But the printer is not the only expense, one also needs to bare the running cost of the paper and printing ink.

OEM cartridges can be quite expensive. There is the option of buying remanufactured cartridges which are cheaper. To ensure you get the most out of every cartridge, it is a must to take proper care of it. This article provides a few tips on how to care for it.

Tips To Care for Ink Cartridges

Tips To Care for Ink Cartridges

Caring for your printer cartridge helps save you money since they will work more efficiently and last longer. Besides this, it will also ensure the proper functioning of your printer and avoid expensive printer repairs. Here are a few tips on how to care for the cartridge in your printer:

  • Always inspect the cartridge after purchase irrespective of how you have purchased it, like on the Internet or a local store.
  • Shake the cartridge slightly prior to installing in the printer.
  • In the case your cartridge has a tape covering a vent hole, remove it prior to installation; this is usually installed for safety during transit by courier.
  • It is vital that you are aware that the cartridge also has a small chip on the side and ensure you do not touch or damage it in any way during installation.
  • It is not uncommon for users to buy in bulk, especially businesses. This means you are likely storing the spare cartridges. The best way to store it, is to keep them in their sealed package and store them in a cool, dry, and dark place. It is also best to keep them upright and away from sunlight.
  • When printing articles or emails, it is best to use draft mode instead of doing so in a high-quality setting. This can help make your printer cartridge last longer as well.
  • Avoid touching the printer head and other electronic parts while installing it.
  • It often happens that one has large printing jobs at one time and then has no need to print any documents for weeks. It is advisable to print 1-2 pages every week to keep the ink flowing if it is not in use.

Buying remanufactured toner cartridges from HouseofToners can help lower the cost of the cartridge. However, it is still necessary to care for it. HouseofToners.com is an eCommerce website that stocks remanufactured cartridges for a wide range of printers.


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Proper care and maintenance of your printer cartridge is vital to ensure it lasts long and is efficient. This will help reduce your printing costs. Buying remanufactured printer cartridges from Houseoftoners.com will also help do the same.